“The Young And The Old Need Each-Other”,: tee-at’-oh-nee’-oh🎶,tyatoneo☮️
USAO(me) is thankful for shared experiences and dialogue ,even kind admonition toward safety,or salvation in the most spiritual sense.Also as a senior citizen I am thankful for the young exuberance and youthful happiness around;the strong backs that do the lifting,too! My minimal ability to function using modern technologies is assisted by younger tech savvy family and friends,that I am thankful for..Maybe what I am giving up myself,today ,by writing this spontaneous meditation ,is soothing encouragement;optimistic belief in the power of love and respect to be there when you need it most. Let’s Love our folks,love our kids,love our siblings,love our cousins,all our kin;(just getting warmed up)love our friends,love our neighbors and love friends of neighbors ………..and all their kin💥☮️🎶
Generations working together gives greater range to preparations and reflections .Pompicpoe Edandu Alitamtam
photo:Uncle Chucky by the grapes;a quiet little visitor every so often