Hey oh,Usao, Alitamtam ,Edandu, USAO hopes today is a day of progress toward PEACE in Ukraine. The big bucks of military production,spending,and narcissism of rogue politicians,requires international “checks and balances”. Respect for United Nation concepts,and leadership,including NATO alliances,along with new strategic thinking by enlightened European leaders,who have observed Russian ruthless killing is where the solutions are. Using media technology to stop the war is a start,then keeping historical information accurate pertaining to Russian criminal slaughter is next. Those greedy International bunch of oligarchs(not just Russian)will never just stop, they must be controlled by global by cooperation. All that said ,USAO says “outside the box” thinking is where our future answers are; new solutions that will provide a productive,progressive PEACE. Ceasefire Worldwide, do not repeat historical,imperialistic mistakes. Earth’s human subjugated masses need continued education ,and new hopes,provided by modernistic,visionary societies,along with equity balanced economies for working class families. USAO loves Usao,everyone,everywhere and prays for Ukraine’s rapid relief ,NATO’s helping hands ,some restful sleep,and clear thinking,”outside the box”.Pompicpoe 🙏☮️