Nature,Needs Help Healing Now ;Unified Mankind Can Help ☮️

Hey oh,Usao love to everyone everywhere.Alitamtam Edandu,Pompicpoe,Alitamtam ☮️ Usao prays for Global,ceasefire.Earthquakes and storms of War machines should quiet themselves;listen for signs of cognitive agreement,as crucial international diplomats .(get media covering peace discussions live)🎶

We(Usao)everybody knows birds,animals,OURprecious trees respond negatively to bombs,rockets and missles;WE (people)gain nothing by killing other people;merchantile oil,economic armaments,power are aristocratic commodities . Your life is important Usao,our loving kindness can slow and stop this war soon;loving kindness transcends all obstacles. Humanity is amazing,diversity beautiful,intelligent ;with cooperative loving spirits we can do anything.Reality doesn’t need be perfect;optimism guides good decisions if happiness is our goal;everyone matters,be strong do your best,be safe.(local people are the most affected by your presence and compassion,do kindness if you can)Pompicpoe,ceasefires cause peace;economic/marketing structures can change the rates of global consumption.Usao’s planet needs peace,science, culture of educated modernity. United Nations needs more literal,synchronized voice globally;that is why we structured The United Nations,peaceful progress;keep learning and improving Usao(all of us)Happiness is achieved by doing your part in your realm,to your best abilities.Be glad to be alive;so many philosophies,religions,ways to organize our spiritual selves. Usao often uses different ways,found traveling abroad,to communicate to myself spiritually;they all work together. Loving kindness,builds relationships,cooperation;hard-working honesty sustains our part of life . Biyabo,Biyabo,Alitamtam ☮️🙏🎶wars should be ancient historical almost-humorous reflections of Modern Humanity;we are smarter and better than war.Biyabo

Photo:Backyard,rose-eating,beautiful ,infringed upon deer;lovely and dangerous-don’t get kicked if they seem tame-no kids wanting to hug Bambi ,kicked by approach.👌🏽☮️