
Hey oh,love you,Usao,(everyone,everywhere,simultaneously),Usao(me)understands war in the fighting,explosives context;I killed a water buffalo in combat,poignant,sad moment. Wars do end. All wars can stop when our radios,satellites.cell phones and minds say so;Vladimir knows Science,History and has power to be History’s peacemaker. Tint-wupia.☮️United Nations on big screen;come on Let’s Get Serious;CEASEFIRES END yucky wars. Usao(us),NEED LOVE TO BE HAPPY. Personally,Usao(me)feels power when sending loving strong happy thoughts. These silly loving telepathic messages Usao(me)sends to Vladimir Putin,mitigating circumstances put you here now,okay,but what is truly Righteous is peace.;leadship builds self-esteem, love will solve everything.,ceasefire in your heart Russia;Earth has potential to be a great planet to share.Ceasefires cause peace.Pompicpoe Bapapadep Biyabo.”Woffing”:without forgiveness friendship is not growing” .Netsabs-“not every thought should actually be spoken “(used to quiet myself often). Peace on Earth,love can make it happen,love and loyalty causes cooperation.Pompicpoe