Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Pompicpoe Kokopuff Biyabo,Amucda,Klucahta 🎶
Peace Speak reference 🤓First day initiative is telepathic language for SciFi story protagonist Humaii,indigenous Gardophans. Thinking telepathically,unified by thought-wow;changed which Peace Speak words are utilized. Fun. Today’s word is a song the Humaii of Gardopha chants:🎶Listen:👽,Kindness Love Unity Courtesy And Hope Together Always”Klucahta: klu’-jag-ta🎶☮️See Humaii scattered among the Second Canopy bows,together in sight,a privileged honor for Glider Warriors and families;singing soft,expressing love with every voice. Fun to write the stories and songs;we can have peace Brothers and Sisters,when love comes to the international microphone. Think unified by love;act unified by love;structure love how you wish;seek intelligent LOVE to protect our loved ones.☮️Klucahta 🎵Klucahta🎶Alitamtam,Edandu,Klucahta 🎶☮️Think unified,believe you can make a difference,Pompicpoe!