Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,WE pray for ceasefire,peaceful resolution of complex problems on Earth. ☮️
Atorvhaptpe:(Any Thing Of Real Value Has A Price To Pay Eventually),a’-torv-hapt-Pe🎶(grammatical 🎶)☮️-Our system can prevail beyond espionage by oligarch criminal powers;through media it’s difficult to differentiate the pirates,politicians,or priests.Our modern system knew that we needed mutual oversights;now we need the honesty, transparency, accountability to globally strive for peace;to make progress. Earth’s atmosphere is being destroyed by these same hedonistic villains;bombs,strategic travel fuel consumption fumes and fierce heat waves can end immediately-ceasefire. As the war money oligarchy mobs/clans turn against each other,their in-fighting gets panicked and ruthless for they know what they’re doing is a one way journey for them. Please,NATO,United Nations Security Council,international members,come to the diplomatic table ready to protect resources being stolen/extorted from Humanity..Usao let us focus our unity; dream empathy , compassion with loving kindness in our hearts everywhere,then we will do our best efforts toward keeping peace in community .Tyfykac(thank you for your kindness and courtesy)☮️Pompicpoe,Ceasefires Cause Peace,Honath☮️Photo is mixture of wildflowers along the Willamette River.Atorvhaptpe🇺🇦