Politics Wars Rage On Free World Media☮️Why?

Hey oh Usao💕Alitamtam;I love you all,and my prayers are for your safety, and secure happiness. As significant ceasefire diplomatic efforts are deathly slow ,I consider prime media significant journalism,now to be secondary purpose to show business glamour reporting stars’ chanting over and over their biased messages. Sooooo,does media like gruesome spectacles;some do,it keeps Usao riveted to their narrative. USAO(me)is the same,watching elections coverage and seeing a media war,a visible warning to everybody of geographic political polarization. News media get coverage that helps Usao(all)be informed , gives peace negotiations a limelight ,prioritizes a stop to killings; ends the War in Ukraine faster! Peace ,no more collateral civic,civilian killing is most important;American showboat politicians.and news personalities media games has a morbid effect on us.Mass Media Bring us those beautiful notes of democratic freedom ,give loud voice to peace leaders;give them transparency to negotiations with knowledge military leaders can conduct themselves humanely. My plea is Vote with your heart Usao, Biyabo,Usao,do good,help each other;listen for truths,they are identified by your own heart and mind. Be persistent to vote,no matter the circumstances you are important. Tint-wupia,Pompicpoe ☮️

Note :labeling mass killings a war is Russian sick validation of Russian murders. Mass murders is a war?Ceasefire.

Photo: Native American areas of living ,in Oregon only ,as per 1850s. Similar cultures inhabited most of the continent.

Ceasefires Create Immediate Opportunity for Mankind🙏🎶🎶

Hey oh Usao Alitamtam. Atmosphere OUR Earthly essential;invaded by cordite,and fumes of commerce and wars on every continent,needs attention .Ceasefires begin……unification;unifications form trusting Peace. Earth then deservedly gets better treatment by us Humans. Usao needs shelter,medicine and food;among the aesthetic amenities available to Modern educated,co-operative Society. Freedom,intellectual,without reprisal is spiritual; read,observe,work,thrive using our real dignity. With courtesy,respect is earned ;ceasefires,Usao, where we can make small peace,then bigger peace,and so on!☮️🙏 My point of title was .rebuilding after wars begins when killing is not allowed anymore. Opportunity for next generations are enlightened by sincere examples of trust,loyalty gained by consistency,education and dedication to each other. USAO loves everyone,everywhere;envision Peace,work for it however you can. Be safe. Pompicpoe.Tint-wupia ☮️🙃Ardaholi (you designated Drivers get our loved ones home,thanks)


Hey oh Usao,love you each and everyone.everywhere. If confrontations happen today-Lutase,Idawa;return to your calm self and make peace,as soon as possible. Love is OUR answer to most everything;efficiency,happiness,progress. Usao,(us) isn’t lazy are we? Usao(us,we,them,everyone), as family members need classy values like forgiveness,support, respect. OUR countries need some Modern day assessments;on every campus is hundreds of educated people to make these decisions. Mankind benefits by Peace-do not let anyone lie about that simple fact. Love you Usao,be safe,Alitamtam ☮️🎶

Vocabulary note:”Woffing (without forgiveness friendship is not growing)”honath”-helping others nurtures a true heart)Pompicpoe ☮️🎶Kwan D so glad to see Usao

Efgradtkja,Reach Out Toward Healing☮️🎶

Hey oh,Usao(you,them,us,everybody)LOVE you all🎶Alitamtam USAO(me🤪)gives some free Love and harmony ,praying for safety and meals ,and medical help ; together is how we face oppression.The FREE WORLD,educated,observant,and UNIFIED,will slow,then stop the greedy. Oligarchs skating around the Earth are painting themselves into inescapable corners,metaphorically said;soon their “Wars”,will be against each other;unless rational Mankind bails Freedom out and achieves OUR PEACE again. No matter the altruistic,unified /humanist politics of Society, there is NO VALID REASON to create war.Hmmmmm,soooooo, Ceasefires create situations where Mankind can Talk while not killing. Though not much money to be made while sitting on our hands at a negotiation table, somebody’s family is not losing a loved one. WE(Usao,you,us ,them)are not collateral pieces of war supplies. The global hotshots need to puckerup and get away from the mirrors they love so much;look for modern structures that can heal their own paranoias with TRUST. Ukraine needs PEACE,Russia would be better off with PEACE,so let’s reach out for it,get OUR PEACE back.”Efgradtkja,Roth☮️🎶👏

Photo:raindrops on a delicate web;battle blast concussions obliterate delicate beauty,never to regain that symmetry again.Pompicpoe

Free Love;Our Empowering Force☮️❤️

Hey oh Usao,love you each and everyone,all Humanity is Mine to love. Let’s forget Historical (very important stuff)facts briefly.🥸(me)thinks love powers incredible happenings;people are encouraged by kindness and courtesy,respectful body language speaks so much to OUR seniors,OUR handicapped,and even OUR young studs and Sisters like courtesy ;OUR young Moms feel aided by assistance and safety ,responding demeanor.Pompicpoe,live in Peace,work to have peace,unify with joyful harmony.Precious PEACE begins at home and community and ourselves of course,BUT History is not a valid Excuse to create more wars,🥸unless dysfunction is the intermediate goals toward raking in a lot of BIG MONEY for all the oligarchs.🤢 History is OVER:let’s absorb and learn what happened when subjugation became the sole goal of World aristocratic,tyrannical “owners”. Economic datas based on wartime economics do earn big armament money,for ….who?OUR civilian Societies,subjugated dependent families receive scrutinized wages in return for horrible life altering exploitations. OUR PEACE and no death would be decidedly better. 😵‍💫☮️🙏Ceasefires will come from the hearts of leadership that can retain vision of peace;remember the feeling of safe warm family-rooms to share ,together.USAO says take your own Free Love and go give it away! (big challenge here).Imagine blue and gold love-mists floating out of your heart and genius brain,to create PEACE AGAIN ☮️👌🏽Love Usao, Alitamtam

Ceasefires Cause Peace and Less Frantic Traveling☮️(More time to talk)

Hey oh,Usao, Alitamtam tint-wupia☮️🙏Let’s bring NATO and Putin to the Media first hand;let every voice be heard fully for as long as they want to talk face -to-face to the world. We can try to be so open-minded and efficient. Media can be swayed back and forth;panics cultivated by varied agendas,using violence or bullying,or coquettish mimicking of opponents;entertaining,but altruistic USAO(me)doesn’t think so. Democracy needs PEACE to function properly;every war is needless,if both sides are taken to account;one as victim and other imperialist…Unified Leadership get back to living and loving life Yourself. Ceasefires, if battle zones can call “timeouts”,PEACE is the continuation of the process.Usao (us all) can utilize All the saved resources for civic feeding,nursing,re-building. Less jets,bombs.artillery.lazers,our animals could settle down and the weathers smooth out some PLUS other consumption issues;wasteful war,war is wasteful;warring is about wasting in ANGER? Power is best done in dignified conference,unity with purpose to excel as people,together;we can do it. Alitamtam,Pompicpoe ☮️ Be safe

photo comment:TERM inspired by gorgeous Autumn a couple years ago,”bloryag-uli”PSpeak :Brown Leaves Orange Red Yellow And Green-Usao Loves It


Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam. Let’s do Halloween costuming and fun safely;the kids will get sugared up and going like choochoo trains! Let’s stay on guard on sidewalks,use available lighting,bright costumes,and do not trust drivers to see,or stop. Adult kids drinking ,put away the vehicle keys,have non-drinking driver plans. Avoid tragedy by loving each other enough to take care of each other. Go for a Halloween groove,have fun,be safe. ☮️🎶

Note:😇Our bodies are Earthly temples of our spirits;drink the water slowly with thankful meditation.🙏

Photo:Albany Oregon riverfront/old town city Carousel!!varied animals done sooo exquisite by loving,inspired artists. Short tours of antique animals and carving art areas;with gift and coffee shops.Pompicpoe

Alitamtam,Thanksgiving Everyday 🙏☮️

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Ebgnasot🎶☮️Gardens that can surprise you!💕Life is a miracle;all creations miracles.Sacred to see,be near,feel upon our cheeks. How to find happiness is a valued lesson we teach our children;how to find harmony,be friends; examples like enjoying seasonal fellowships. ☮️USAO loves you all and prays for immediate safety and nourishments to your bodies and souls;this Ukraine war is dysfunctional to MODERN society,irrational to all loving people. Power hungry want war;Usao,We ,us ,PEOPLE need PEACE ,CEASEFIRES, conversations that matter;no GOD of any kind on any continent says go kill those people. Usao(us,we,everybody) can have PEACE;it is the priority of families everywhere;then Usao,(people) can return to tranquil gardens ,creating beautiful surprises to our hearts content! Grow some big LOVEly gardens,with surprise benches and fountains. Be safe. Peace is coming;love you all.Pompicpoe,Tint-Wupia, Kokopuff ☮️🙏🎶

Clouds Melt From Jet Blasts😳

Hey oh Usao, Alitamtam Pompicpoe;☮️🎶Love to everyone,everywhere.USAO(me)loves Water,the taste ,look of a river,rolling ocean waves ,high mountain lakes,creeks nearby. The JETs and Missles and bombs are disrupting OUR CLOUDS,creating intensified weather.Look where the droughts are.Look where we are. Military/Church history is grim,shown to be divisive ,not at all about unification. Usao(us,we everyone)use your brain powers,spirit powers, to channel Love,of Earth,Love of Creation. Use your influence to slow down,to conserve,to be responsible and help people.Our planet will have the last word,not Usao.Alitamtam ☮️🎶UNITY LOVE

Scioboss,Biyabo,Pompicpoe ☮️

Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam,everywhere,LOVE YOU. YOU are essential;look around,we need each other;unite,pull together with empathy and loving kindness. Join hands metaphorical and physical;there is great strength with trust;exponential gain to communicate……..LOVING-KINDNESS. Be worthy of trust ,and trust becomes easier;Usao(US,we,everybody)together WILL rebuild better after Putin realizes the flaws of his economic gang war; SOON,Humanity(NATO)joined will start to sap his and cronies pocketbook-the war will end.The killing crisis will continue until the Violent Evil is Stopped.Every sanction possible should happen;until ALL/BOTH parties CEASEFIRES. Note: Why is modern mankind fighting explosive,destructive wars—money.Sick billionaires. WE NEED Global,Planetary Survival instincts to beat WORLD consumption and destruction crisis , and come to realistic beginning,smooth sailing,”scioboss”. WE best help each other by being our best,I believe in you,believe in yourself ,Biyabo ☮️🙏Pompicpoe.Alitamtam

Photo:😎”We are at time to be ,a leaf gone flying;colors brilliant,even backed by blacktop crevices “👏☮️🎶

Bapapadep,Rest Pray☮️

Hey oh Usao,love and hope your family is safe. Ceasefires are coming;this farce of an invasion is melodramatic narcissistic insanity.US,TOO MANY(so many,most) OF US GLOBALLY see through Putin’s BS; USAO(me)says CEASEFIRES NOW.STOP fueling their egos with more money-stop shooting WORLD-EVERYONE.Alitamtam Pompicpoe Edandu🎶☮️

Photo:flash dance in Eugene Oregon Sat Market-They were good!


Hey oh,Usao,love you each and everyone.”Believe In Yourself And Be Optimistic “;”Every Day is A New Day,Usao”. Big words to perceive,”We,US,everyone;precious YOU are to me,USAO-why?because life is sacred,you are sacred.Seek joy,share joy,be joyous;be happy to share joy.☮️🙏Love you each and all-be safe-Pompicpoe .


Hey oh Usao,love you each and everyone “Chusy”☮️Children Help Us Stay Young)”Clawag!”☮️Children Laughing Always Warms A Gathering)Hoho🥸Where is USAO(me🤪)going?Uh,got it -listening and learning ,forgiving ,”nakwait”Usao,no one knows what another is thinking.Why is a complex divisive inquiry;WE,US,Usao learn so much with listening. Avoiding misunderstanding by listening a mere second;reading body language,gaining poise🙃whew”Lutase”(Let Us Talk About Something Else)Hohoho🎶😎Here’s another,Usao,”rotfigharP”☮️be safe)

Kokopuff Edandu☮️🙏

Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam Love you each and ALL. Today’s Ukraine persistence,perseverance,stamina fueled by love of family,instills great respect by vulnerable citizens for their defenders. Freedom;WE need open ,wonder-filled mindsets;ready ,united ,LOVE based. Happiness,harmony grace;……….nice;with WORK and EFFORT,Usao(us)will look to the new days coming as opportunities. Not letting old History mess up Modern World reality,needs consistent rational oversight. Mental hygiene of World leaders, gets critical;angers,paranoid politics,neglect the people,even…….kill them(us),Usao!!For money they kill US-“divide and conquer “ . Human lives fill the uniforms of soldiers ,too; most don’t want War at all,either. The missle barrage Putin has portrayed as anger is clearly PANIC. Russia is too big and beautiful to let one sick,little,self-centered bully wreck the global progressions. Destroying food,schools,hospitals,terrorizing sweet PEOPLE ,so petroleum’s price will make HIM richer. (USAO is barfing in disgust)LOVE-LOVE-LOVE not money is where Usao finds happiness.Be stubborn to love;global stuff is out there-and USAO cares-but ,close by us are the people who need us;”keep on keeping on persistence usually finds fulfillment “☮️“every day is a new day Usao”☮️Be safe Pompicpoe

Follow Your Instinct ☮️🙏🎶

Hey oh,Usao,everywhere;I love you with all my capacity;you EACH are special,wonderful,and loved. Be yourself ,and follow your impulses to be kind;first natural instincts are to be gregarious and pack oriented. USAO(me)believes harmony is where our future will be developed toward compassionate living that embraces the beauty of Life. OUR WORLD doesn’t need wars,or wealth,it needs intelligent,motivated,INDIVIDUALS WORKING TOGETHER. Each of us has a “box” to think outside of:our own limited,but powerful “box”; powered by ourself. Use inner powers to focus and be “ALL” you can be;nowhere else gives Usao(you)that instinctual power of LOVE. Rely on your own instincts to see where self esteem will provide harmony. Alitamtam Pompicpoe

Photo:finches in driveway 🥰foods are really helpful and they are delightful.

Courtesy,Love,Effort And Respect -Pride Allied Together, Harmonic☮️🎶🙏

Hey oh Usao,Love you .Alitamtam,Chusy(children help us stay young); let’s seek good times after Harvests;provide food where possible to the war-stricken,mid-placed. USAO prays World ASSETS can soon be redirected for MEDICAL,Ecological,Humane Spiritual efforts.yeah,USAO,is a naive, old guy,but stubborn to say ,”Litafmoli “.(love is the answer to Most of Life’s issues.

All Said :”clear-path”,I like it;courtesy,respect,love,Unified Pride,harmony,direction.Let’s talk about it,Usao,we can grow ,learn,work.rest,create,together;bless each and everyone,Everywhere;;SAFETY ☮️🙏🎶Clear-path.Pompicpoe,Alitamtam

Photo:Love note to Wife via filbert medium;Oregon orchard;squirrels like it here!🎶BTWay,”tint-wupia”,;there is No Them-When Universal Peace Is Achieved 🙏☮️


Hey oh,Usao everywhere—BE SAFE. Harvest,frosting cold;storms and heartbreaking wars ,parts of Mother Earth’s dilemma;weather patterns are sliced by jets, and lazer beams are avoiding crops,and lakes. Too bad the floods gushing ,rushing,torrents isn’t flowing more …..relaxed;able to flow along ,like the fish like;as a well-occupied planet WOULD.All about teamwork,no-littering or pollution is part of OUR solutions.


USAO(me)loves Usao(everyone);coping with brutal unnecessary fighting is done best with HOPE;We can get better ,keep learning and charging ahead with life;looking and finding joys daily,all day long.Ardaholi”(Alert Responsible Drivers ARE HEROES Of Local Impact)☮️PSpeak term:Tanscarod(There Are No Short Cuts Around Responsibility Or Duty”,

Writers Note: celebrate SAFELY all of you and friends are loved by many people.