Pompicpoe ,Alitamtam,Avivofit,Amucda✌🏾Anfiavia🦋

Hey oh Usao,love to everyone;ceasefire; hopes for a visionary world of peace begins with conceptual understanding peace is Humanity’s to have. The United Nations need to work together;United Nations diplomacy needs access to global tele-markets; show every continent what is happening;show us admirable leaders for peace on our sacred Earth.Wisdom is education utilizing intuitions and understanding;defending democratic freedoms needs technology ,;needs unified thinking. Biyabo(believed in yourself and be optimistic)PSpeak terms all involve value of friendship and power of unity. Be safe;love you all.Pompicpoe.Tint-wupia.

Selfish Actors Generals Oligarchy and Politicians Are The Same

Hey oh,Alitamtam,Tintwupia;Unite with loving kindness leading the way. Ceasefires. Please,stop shooting,stop bartering missiles;hmmm,long term wars is nonsense. Modern technology is the future of humanity and is the deliverance of peace. Sensationalist medias are being exposed for the evil tool it can be;Democracy,the people needs timely truths. Usao(us we)need everyone,voters,soldiers,teachers,truckers,nurses to unite ;unite in efforts to seek peace by participating;doing good works if possible. Standards of living can improve if war stops; business and farm staffing and such becomes family oriented again. Earth doesn’t need wars to avoid overpopulation,and overconsumption,Earth needs cooperation,united leadership;wars of convenience are sinful,sick,spoiled slaughters done by greedy politicians,oligarchs,powerful bureaucrats with fat pockets. Peace is for people,war is for money making aristocracy. Speak for ceasefires;soon as possible;missle counting and pompous speeches are tools of the show business politics and wars. Long term war should be a misnomer,an oxymoron;we can have peace Earth;so many good people,together will reclaim civility;using the same military inspired technologies with social insight. Usao loves you everyone,everywhere,we can do this together by participating,voting using your own heart as your common denominator.


Hey oh Usao;love for everyone; Pompicpoe,Alitamtam.

Anwo’shavop☮️”A New World Order ‘Should Have A Vision Of Peace”:an-woe’-sha-vop🎶. A goal of tranquil peace ,times of joyous living is mine;as peace is the goal of all the universe of the loving. Wars are the method of exploitation;colonialism was another word for robbery and exploitation; using religion to justify violence. Science and education can record historical events,but loving united Humanity will learn the lessons.(capital H tells all,unified by perception and reason, Usao(us,we) set a democratic example/standards,where intelligence is utilized;problem solving,like food medicine,housing,……education. United Nations of all Earth nations,answerable immediately for violence. Our planet lives with nuclear weapons(and weapons of all shapes and sizes),enabling bullyism ,by allowing a miasma of hateful military……religions,and power grabbing doctrines(disguised drug lords). Peace is our answer ,Usao, the direction of peace is progress;economies rebuild,the dead remain dead; ceasing fire stops the killing. Usao knows combat: it is rich people (from afar)sending poor altruistic warrior people to die.Sadly,time after time the ultimate reasons for war is so an aristocracy can keep all their stuff. PEACE is how we get better.

Photo:bone carving Joe Kemp

Guilt Without A Conscience Is So Scary To Observe -(Putin)A Poor Sick Lonely Individual☮️🙏

Hey oh Usao Alitamtam Pompicpoe

“Gwacissto,papsli”(varied format indicates Usao’s desire to focus this blog best)

CEASEFIRE;discussion will lead to unification;translating,listening,having modern education guide us back to peace. Putin started this operation of necessity,(now called war)to show off ,maintain his power,reinforcing his own personal wealth. Putins’s lies will never stop;he is too deep(ground floor drug trade);he believes America will eat his drugs until we are inconsequential. Vladimir is wrong again;he keeps missing the elements of love;that love that brings peace and harmony,because he is sick greedy worried bully aristocratic crook. NATO needs NATO;lead the world NATO. Communication,dedication, commitment by the many good people is our future;leaders ,think outside the older box;bring broader humanistic perspectives to the diplomacy table. The graft based economic philosophy about wars being “good”,is a delusion sold by the wartime aristocracy/oligarchy/thugs and crooks;ultimately ,resources are wasted and people die.Stand up NATO do what you need to do ;stop this lying,cheating,greedy monster destroying lives by the hundreds.Again ,stopping Putin is the best way to help Russia regain some worldwide dignity.☮️Sliapoul(self love is a prerequisite of universal love)be safe Love everyone. Take least travel chances as possible;Winter is a swirling beast

Ceasefire Can Occur Quickly When Honesty Returns☮️🙏Alitamtam

Hey oh Usao,Pompicpoe,Edandu.Biyabo.Love everybody,prayers of safety and hope.

Ceasefires can occur quickly when honesty returns; real motives be discussed .openly to us all. Some Immigrants at Mexican border carry drugs every day,all day long because of chaos at exact border gates.Mixed among refugees,the drugs are easy to move .Confusion on delivery days is good cover. International drug trade is a facet of modern Cold War activity,shifted by militarization world wide;drug lords need their armies, governments and mercenaries combined ,they are the murderous forces of oligarchs(drug barons);they don’t want honesty of purposes. A world aristocracy that loves itself more than their peoples,will draft,conscript,hire,act like leaders,but haven’t any heart for the big job of caring and loving people. So the Russian people are dying so their paranoid Putin can keep his holdings. Ukraine,beautiful country,has incurred horrible mass murders ,and the reality is global drug trafficking being part of siege mentality of key diplomats that are receiving wartime wealth. So armies fight armies ,with our children and in our cities? The mass street deaths in USA for 30-45 year old from opioids,a result of “political wars?”Our wars seem to be fought in faraway drug capitols and entry borders. The senseless deaths in Ukraine must stop immediately;all the reasons for VPutin’s war are tilted toward vague historical reasons,but again drugs via Russia flow all over USA.,not a discussed priority in calls for war. Harmful ,street drugs are an element of modern suppression ,subversion,and exploitation.With honesty we could reunite at every turn, building trust toward society solutions. Ceasefires stop explosive destruction right away;slows flow of wartime earnings toward greedy world oligarchy ,so eager to earn blood money. Truth involves no convenient omissions;honesty is truthful,especially when it involves needless suffering and death. Democracy is best functioning without war-raise hands,nobody gets killed. Usao likes it! Find productive jobs for military personnel that don’t harm each other ,or the planet.;give back those young golden adult years for growth ,to learn more about their unique special self. Honesty,talk about it,live it;diplomatic relations need move forward faster ;chaos is tool of subversion. Table talk has no time for lies,whether clerical illusions.or delusional speculation-ceasefire.Putin should address the United Nations in person;open up his tax figures,stop killing people,repent,get emotional counseling. I say,” Ceasefire World”, loving kindness,”Woffing.”(without forgiveness friendship is not growing)

Truth of motive for wars at any level gets distorted;rationale and reason are affected by economics that also get distorted;subsequently our soldiers of defense kill each other because of tainted unchallenged graft and lies? Ceasefire, do what we can.Love you all.☮️🙏


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam Alitamtam,Pompicpoe.Love everyone everywhere. Take no unnecessary Winter travel chances ,love travels through blizzards straight to the doorsteps of our beloved. Ping! (True)

☮️PSpeak:MAATICABOE,title tod:Maaticaboe:mah-tee’-ka-boe’, “most answers are there in cerebral area between our ears”,Maaticaboe Usao,Biyabo,Edandu be safe Bapapadep ☮️🙏🎶


Hey oh Usao Alitamtam 🙏☮️I pray for peace🙏life is precious,ceasefires,harmonyteamwork ,hope and joy. (Gonna go write the blog🥸👌🏽)

“Imagine Total Peace Everywhere No War Anywhere’All At Once🎶itpenwa’aao’; it-pen’-wah’-aeo🎶(the grammaticl🎶indicates a phonetic sound done by the Humaii of Gardopha) Itpenwa’aao 🎶,is correct expressive way to utter and sing term. RE:”Finding Gardopha “project,I like it for a Humaii chant of peace maybe. ☮️”Stitfoasa(safe tires is the foundation of a safe automobile)Ardaholi (party safe)Pompicpoe. Ceasefire Earth Love Is the Power to Gain Peace


Hey oh,Usao,Loving-kindness.harmony.warmth,hope;☮️Alitamtam.RotfighartP,Ardaholi:Usao,be the one to keep your Life focused and functioning.Woffing☮️🙏

“There Are Two Stories At-least For Every Occurrence”,Tatsafeo: tat’-se-feh-oh🎶….Way back Usao,remember 🎶is used grammatically to say effectively the syllables of certain Peace Speak(and Humaii of Gardopha)words. Usao should sing the last syllable to emphasize the wisdom. “Finding Gardopha” (Humanity -Us ,Earthling’s First Inter-Stellar Ally): this story is looking for the easiest best way to share it.

Note:the word play is about listening and relationships-love you all-be safe

Bapapadep,Holidays are Tough and Beautiful 🙏☮️🎶

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam ,First I pray peace. Ceasefire .Prayer’s solitude is an “organizational “time for Usao(us),meditations to draw priorities with loving-kindness;a time to appreciate elders,loyal buddies,parents, family members,kind store clerks,perky paper boys,brave soldiers,lifelong blessings,remembering windfall fun surprises;as Usao prays some more for peaceful lives for everyone everywhere. Pompicpoe

Note:Holidays and parties are not political events(PSpeak:”larapfach”-let’s avoid religion and politics for a couple hours”)extend courtesy and respect to all attendees “no matter what you heard”; so much social stress on big holidays (too much extra booze,fatigue,desire to have fun fast) 🎶Be supportive and patient talking,smile,believe in your own goodness to prevail😇.USAO(me,us)loves ,needs you ,always,as one of us. Individual unique qualities is why our harmony becomes so sweet. Alitamtam Tint-wupia☮️

Bapapadep ,used today ,says pray and meditate to prepare. Edandu,Biyabo,Ardaholi (safe drivers)

WIBEFO🤔(war is not good for Usao at all)

Hey oh UsaoTint-wupia,Pompicpoe,Alitamtam,Slipoul(self love is prerequisite of universal love)Ceasefire Worldwide; all sides of every situation,ceasefire. There is no bullet fired to kill mass people,collateral mass casualties that is sane.No killing done en masse is sane;greed is symptomatic paranoia that becomes isolated slowly because of being bullies(doesn’t play well with other nations),Russia needs to ceasefire,and get peacetime rehabilitation therapy, with diplomacy that extends helping,hopeful hands toward others,also struggling in their personal lives;with modernizing education constantly , utilizing social advancement to develop equality for all.🎶. USAO,me)did today’s title word quickly,then started yakking 🥴here it is:WIBEFIO,”War Is Big Earnings For International Oligarchy”,we’eh-beh’-feeoh’ “,wibefio☮️🎶 Love you one and all. Be safe.Ceasefires cause peace..Pompicpoe Ardaholi,Slipoul🎶

Edandu,Kokopuff,Biyabo,Bapapadep ☮️🙏🫶🏻

Hey oh , Usao,Alitamtam,rest when you can,stay together for warmth and to be held close;think clearly what to wear ,when you’re ready move within your heart first. Peace is our goal,as people peace can cure all politics;wow did USAO(me)say that? Wow profundity at my level;stop glorifying warriors and bullies,prancing around over bought off medias. Ceasefire,get some diplomatic control back from money crazed megalomaniacs. Russian families (the real grief stricken families not on political previews by who ever (Putin)the hedonistic delusional Russian administrative mob is) Vladimir is starting to be on camera more,being benevolently portrayed;maybe he passes the emotional conscience buck somehow;Putin is finding a way to rationalize his immoral waste. Petty theft by bullies is not the history educated rational Mankind will ultimately allow. We are many really good people all over united with purpose,love.☮️🥸Maybe making less weapons would help too? Take both resource sucking war armaments and start to build good stuff. USAO believes Usao(everybody together)is educating,nurturing,feeding people together,day by day good loving kindness is happening;fund find and feel happiness ,pray together with unity in heart. Love you all;let’s slow down bad history with some hope and peace.Ceasefires cause peace.Pompicpoe ☮️🎶(terms relate to preparing,believing hopes)

Give Thanks Today.☮️👌🏽🎶

Hey oh Usao(you,me,everyone,everywhere),Happy Thanksgiving;(here comes the qualifying…..Nope,USAO(me)means “HAPPY!” Let’s put a big hopeful pie,next to a kindness salad,near the courtesy plates(enough for everyone),and be happy for a bit;struggle,give it all you have✌🏾🫶🏻(Larapfach).Good times build subsequent relationships ,that evolve into lifelong friendships;a formula for happiness.USAO(me) says,”RotfighartP,Ardaholi.Avivofit.Biyabo,Pompicpoe.”☮️🎶Love and safety Usao


Netsabs,Nakwait ,Edandu 🥴👍

Hey oh Usao(everyone everywhere)My prayers are for safety,food and protection ,Edandu☮️🎶Holidays this week;so be safe getting to and fro;be courteous,strive to be patient:leave early;tell family stories and sing while idling along;no drinkers behind the wheel (Ardaholi☮️) When together,listen to each other;let the others reveal what their thoughts are. Give encouragement;be family support, be thankful out loud to build harmony in celebrations. ☮️War time outs bothered me when in combat,then in retrospect USAO(me)now feels every battle shot held back in decision is progress;breaks my heart for our soldiers to be gone on Thanksgiving. Achieving ceasefires is evidence the means of diplomacy exists;wars are dysfunctional;evidence of weak paranoid tendencies of overly introspective behavior by isolated,mean spirited hedonistic leadership(they know who they are) New priorities,modern methods ,and standards of governance on humanitarian grounds are the product of teamwork and our unity;implicit in civilized societies. In family conversation use diplomacy,listen;we do not actually know what is going on inanother’s mind.Speaking too soon might be counter-productive;another day’s sunrise could be the day Usao gains peace again. Happy holidays,take care of each other-we love you.☮️🎶Pompicpoe

Photo:rocking chairs at airport waiting gate in Eugene Oregon💕help those babies sleep

RotfighartP,Ardaholi,Tanscarod:Bapapadep 💕☮️🎶

Hey oh Usao🎶Alitamtam,love you all:be safe and diligent protecting and cherishing. USAO(me at home)) plays piano to meditate;I roam around with leisure upon the keys:percussion pitches that make my heart glow with love and passion. Family singing hymns and carols brings glee to our homes,soft poems to snow flakes done together. Reach out with open hopeful hearts ,let loose together;Drivers from holiday events be heroes by maturity;party after you get everyone home. Being prepared to drive show’s experience and high value of lives in your hands. The last syllable of “Bapapadep “, don’t ever panic(Alitamtam.)Ceasefire,negotiation,unified participation,humanitarian intervention to stop violence against civilians. Even so,now,bring forth your best holiday smiles,with mutual support;sing some ,reminisce,love is on our side;let’s make peace happen along our own way.Love you all.Tint-wupia ☮️Pompicpoe

Photo: clean rainy slant on urban renewal.Communication is the key

Be Exactly As You Are☮️

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam ,loving kindness is our tool of communication, the impulse to do kindness leads to inner warmth which leads toward happiness,harmony,and trusting security. Open your heart and mind to modern educated progressive thinking; democracy is a deliberate process,that focuses on equality;keep working and believing in each other;peace is coming. Tint-wupia☮️🎶