A Philosophical Moment Of Peaceful Agreement Can BE Instantaneous ☮️🙏(Yepyepyep,apmopacbi😎🎶)

Hey oh Usao,it is me,love everyone everywhere with all my heart;be safe ,Biyabo ,sincere,fun/loving,ready and strong. Peace Earth! Pray ,look at each other-we deserve peace ;organize all this loving kindness together and we get get peace. Ceasefire now Earthbeings;do it be smart together.

PSpeak🥸”apmopacbi”:a philosophical moment of peaceful agreement can be instantaneous “,ak-mo-pak’-be🎶☮️be safe love everyone .

Photo:days dog walk jacket pocket accumulation,upon mud towel;a brass O,fish lure,filbert,iron-alloy river rock

Ebgnasot,☮️beautiful edible,curatives nutritious and essential plants.becnaep(hmmmm)

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam our peace is coming;Usao believes mean villainy has been exposed by altruistic Media Heroes. Equality brings motivated cooperation,peaceful productivity. God doesn’t want war. Buddha is loving kindness individual spirit. When Usao(me)meditates my prayerful spirit unites with every loving Deity,known to me. Love cures,love answers questions,love is foundational;love is inclusive,powerful,kindest best emotions.

Ebgnasot (every beautiful garden needs a surprise or two)

Becnaep☮️Yadirf explains Second Canopy necessary rituals to rivers and soil.

Geraniums are edible🥸looking for other plants to eat ,geraniums heal. Snow pea plants now👌🏽

Biyabo,Usao,Peace will come soon.

Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam,Spolsoch🙏when we talk about harmony,joyful moments,embrace thankfulness memories;sacred living,happy memories with peace. Pimo(peace is my objective)Usao,everyone use loving-kindness within;make it priority to find peaceful ways proceed,to live. Ceasefire, ceasefire Earth; peace is possible,attained segment by segment,smallest unit being ourselves🙏Enormous sacrifices,waste, destruction Ukraine invasion has done,nothing has been achieved but needless,merciless money-making destruction.Ceasefire NATIONS of Earth;speak as nations now ,stop the destruction;resources are exploding in neighborhoods,war troubles our hearts too;war is bad money.Peace is coming soon;rotations,innovations,generations,expectations;love you all-be safe.Biyabo(believe in yourself and be optimistic)Pompicpoe.Edandu,☮️🎶

Awnstmou’at,”Hagalwin “☮️🙏

Hey oh Usao,Love to everyone;pray,be safe,help,believe.My friendly neighbor did inspire P☮️ Speak:”Awnstmou’at,Hagalwin “A wise neighbor said to me once upon ‘a time,”Humility Always Goes A Long Ways In Negotion”☮️Ceasefire Earth,Litafmoli,Tint-wupia!Alitamtam.Amucda(Anything)

Note:Usao(me)‘s audience is family,via parents first,then commendable peaceful words shared with kids. PSpeak is a broad ramble(four year) meant for comforting,philosophically stimulating,peaceful waves;something fun to ease stress. Long shared drives word game;across the card table,in a business meeting-share love with words of play. Free.😎Smile,then speak-remember!☮️🎶Pompicpoe LOVE-DO IT💥

SCI-Fi/“Finding Gardopha “term works for novel,the Yadirf to plebeian Gliders sermons….? Uh,BTW,photo squirrel is Chukina 💕all squirrels in yard have variation of Chuck,Charles,Chas,Charlene,Charlotte,Chicory,Chico………etc😅blue-jays are amazingly,”Henry”,;some Sir some John,all Henrys 💕be safe love ☮️

Can War Explosions Cause Seismic Catastrophe?🥸☮️🫶🏻

Hey oh Usao,Edandu; love powers unite; NATO,please show Putin how to “disappear “,give him new identity (a beard maybe),hidden and gone. Money,money,money-oh,Usao meant to say war,war,war is not economic principle-nor necessary. Greedy depraved people want wars;let’s get peace,as in motivated ceasefire,back on the table. Financial ledgers look great for artillery shell-makers and such,but we see mercenary terrorists killing civilians:paid shooters with no rules they answer to;Putin pays them. Russia needs new leader;no time to bow out graceful,Vladimir,you are not the one to rebuild peace-you are the one who lost peace for us all.Screw your money,try to stay in front of your own mirror long enough ,think bigger;bigger in the realm of real Leadership. Usao saw news picture of Vladimir near church officials earlier last-war torn year;somehow modern day war is the choice of old church thinking? Litafmoli☮️Dehumanization,a tool used by oligarch,financed “aristocracy”,plaguing modern educated Earth;dividing people into controllable groups. Let’s don’t make plans for illogical year of more war.. Ceasefires save combatant lives (now innocents dying along side);ceasefires save resources,ceasefires save historical buildings;ceasefires give diplomacy time to work!!Peace Is My Objective ☮️🫶🏻If Wagner terrorism brigades won’t stop shooting right away,NATO please stop them quickly-get it done-they are making money,money having a great time. Mercenaries steal everything when leaving.Call for it;make it happen United Nations speak ;peace is for families ,Usao,we Earth needs peace.Ceasefire.Loving kindness as method of approach,unify.Tint-wupia.☮️Pompicpoe Biyabo

Usao (me)Believes Power Of Love Is Greatest Power Of All💥❤️(ubpoligpoa)☮️

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam Usao loves you all so much;you are creation,love’s power walking and talking,speaking,thinking,…doing-thank you 🙏 Edandu☮️let’s build hope by working;look for purposes next to ourself,right here Usao can help-and it will feel so good. Usao(us),can be meaningful with loving kindness; history with love has benchmark stories that families want to retell,to share.Love is powerful, within us grows stronger by each act of love. War is not inevitable,war is conceived by evil mindsets,greedy paranoid people,delusional elites that crave individual power; coveted wealth a superficial spirituality-lacking dimension .Love(listen). Historic global and religious issues are hyped up to a frenzy,to rationalize “their” political wars. Peace is best achieved by leaderships that acknowledge love-not war;peace provides necessities for our children best;ceasefire Earth.☮️

PSpeak☮️Ubpoligpoa”Usao believes power of love is greatest power of all”:ub-po-lig’-po’-lo-a🎶be safe Pompicpoe (Usao says this one like musical triplets)be safe.

Photo:cartoon “jaguar in a tree “ to Lucas(😎LuCool)created playing/drawing at family rendezvous

Alaball,Tint-Wupia;Peace Is Best ☮️🙏

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Pompicpoe; Love to earthquake casualties families and survivors. World aid is being provided by earthquake reaction teams from afar: way to help! Give and help where you can,Usao.🙏☮️

If Usao checks PSpeak archives over years,it was a multipurpose fun project;wordplay with a loving kindness agenda. PSpeak is a diary that indicates various things about myself ,current times.Try Smile ,then speak;good rule I admittedly break too often. If something seems inane reading older days-it probably is;;merely a game (book writing project/meditations/intertwined,)best in Life is free.Ceasefire Earth .help don’t hurt each other.. Harmony & Peace is best for our families.☮️Alitamtam Edandu Biyabo

Recycled metals,now beauty in park.

Kokopuff Usao,Spolsoch,Handu☮️🙏🎶

Heyoh,Usao,hallelujah,Alitamtam,this day is a blessing! Breath deep,get ready;Usao is so glad you are here again! Amucda☮️🙏United we can do miracles;love power is so grand within our families. Prayer is work Usao(everybody everywhere), Litafmoli 🙏love is the answer for most(all)of Life’s issues. Be yourself in loving power;build strength walking tall,purposeful loving kindness. Usao is so proud of you all. BTW!☮️New Peace Speak word:probably,maybe)💡🤪definitely:A-hem🥳Quiet!! Here it is:🥸USAO(me)has better words for PEACEFUL interaction,but this one struck me funny🙏TOBIWUDEVA:toe-be’-woo-vee-da🎶(🎶is Gardopha grammatical::Tobiwudeva, has rhythm to it,but ……..:”Threat of bodily harm usually deters excessive verbal abuse”(see)☮️Lutase,Idawa,for protection of our loved ones;defend what we believe in.Pompicpoe Slipoul,Bapapadep,Tintwupia☮️🙏🎶

Equality Pertaining To Relative Efforts Is -A Good Idea☮️(eptrei-agi)

Eptrei-agi :🙏☮️ep-tray’-ah-gee🎶 Hey oh Usao,love,safety admiration to you,we will always miss your living presence;attaining peace needs everyone;you(random shooting victims)were so special and unique;such a wonderful part of the family activity ,fun with people. Usao cries,wishing the tormented stray bullets that killed you,while dancing at the festive club,precious one,had never been fired. Sad lines drawn in sick shooters brain,complicated.. Sad.🙏Global wars are configured by smart greedy minds,much as economies are structured by power-crazed politicians,their sick generals unable to control or lead their mercenaries . Drugs worldwide is politically a military situation ;Usao(us,everyone,subjugated consumers)drive the type vehicles “THEY”wish people to drive,as we hear their power hungry self-serving propagandas. Earth’s paranoid oligarchy never had the acumen for leadership;their wealth attained by crime, corruption ,inflation.Existing concurrently with the family world;they” partied their way to top economic tier,then have no interest in politics,or leadership really;war a mere game of deadly finance to “THEM”;but all us minions(we us ,Usao),who did the working(fighting!),are still “collateral damage “,to “THEM WHO CHOOSE WAR OVER PEACE”! Mankind the unified,multicultural,magnificent species is splendid;In democracy Usao has each other,we have amazing,living ,loving people who love LIFE,every life. Ceasefires cause peace-we can do economic charts and bank statements after the dying ends. Love everyone be safe.Tint-wupia. 🎶🙏Pompicpoe,

Note:Finding Gardopha “,use probably Yadirf to plebe ☮️🎶

Itpenwa’aao (we can do it Earthlings👽☮️🎶

Hey oh Usao,love everyone:Alitamtam,make friends.Anfiava.Ceasefire Earth . Peace will not come accidentally;diplomatic ceasefires are rational first steps. Illicit drug markets (payoffs),oil consumption profits, military lifestyle earnings/expenses(lives,etc)benefit aristocratic oligarchy.Families unite,more mixing of cultures with travel,immigration we have opportunities to educate, learn ,promote economic growth together,a natural cycle for Humanity. Democracy,share it,care for it;United we can do anything.

Note:PSpeak term (imagine total peace everywhere no war anywhere’ all at once)be safe Litafmoli

Lavrov talks military Sobriety-amazing hypocrisy ☮️🙏Ceasefire Earth

Hey oh Usao, love to all families everywhere. Alert🙏Mercenaries worldwide support aristocratic demonic,hedonistic Drug lords.(messing up peace)These hired killers themselves terrorized by what they represent;merely,extorted,exploited cannon fodder for oligarchy. Usao;me) says our defensive democratic unified love is a force that will prevail. Believe,act.Ceasefire Earth.We are so many together. Pompicpoe.Alitamtam

Putin,sleazy pals like war income👌🏽(mercenary hearted)(sick)

Hey oh Usao love you everyone everywhere all the time. Ceasefire.The beginning paths to modern wars are different now;people are bunched together seeking unity and stability after millennia of subjugation to find social growth and wealth;big cities. High tech aristocracy still manipulating,exploiting ,dehumanizing vulnerable populations.(GREED👀Ceasefires stop deaths/wow somebody is making a lot of money if they want “prolonged war”. Media screens used to justify the killing.☮️United Nations we need voice now,leaders that care about peace;solid fast moving motivators toward peace. “Prolonged war”,means somebody bad is getting richer and richer.For Putin directly,killing unruly populace by sending those people to fight in battle;that might figure things out. A billions of mafia dollar castle on the Baltic is expensive for all of us……Spolsoch(say peace out loud so others can hear)Pompicpoe,Alitamtam. Peace is what we need to call for when;Earth.NATO,humanity we need wars to stop;media help us,help each other ;we need diligent efforts for peace;we need each other. Leaders far and wide are needed and appreciated. Unity,cooperation daily,Usao ,love power🫶🏻be safe


Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam. Usao loves everyone,prays for your safety and happiness. Joy is a product of thankful thinking(jiapott)Believe in yourself and be optimistic (Biyabo). Every new day Usao lives is a blessing;seeing others with loving kindness anchors joyous harmony within our hearts.Edandu,Usao, look forward, smile ,work,give,laugh,cry some;a peaceful sunrise is the greatest:think and act for equality,empathy, kindness ,brotherhood . ☮️🎶Be safe Pompicpoe

Note: ☮️🙏anticipate potential flooding with family planning;regrouping ,escape fundamentals and relocating issues.Love you all.Pompicpoe


Hey oh,Usao,love you everyone everywhere,everyday (my anger causes lapses,sorry🙏So,I(Usao) attempt to solve this anger,so harmony can return. My angers seem directed at rich criminals,billionaires ,some disguised as national leaders,selling subjugation to our kids;drugs that addict and kill,almost instantly their self/self-esteem/vision and respect for themselves ,plus character and dependability. Poor addicted kids ,young adults,our future; drifting away from family ,work ,life. Honest,timely admonition to kids ,avoid drugs ;then constructively counterpoint ,speaking of love,hopes,dedication,admiration,respect,Funloving kindness in a parental way.Be close,then get closer when kids need you;they won’t ask for help sometimes.Woffing(without forgiveness family is not growing)☮️

PSpeak term::”protecting our precious progeny is priority number one”. Poppipno: pop’-pip’’-no’’’,Poppipno!! ☮️*this term will be in sci-fi dialogue,Humaii Yadirf to Earth cosmonaut Cpt James.(example,term use in Finding Gardopha series)Pompicpoe,Tint-wupia ☮️🎶

Pompicpoe ❤️

Hey oh Usao love to everyone;peace . Let’s pray for peace;we can have peace with unification,with loving kindness;bold opposition to avaricious drug cultures. Peace with equality;using vigilant historical relevant technological education ,done with unified love..Let’s pray/meditate/kick back ,whatever ,hoping ,seeking harmony everywhere. Ceasefire Earth.Alitamtam Usao(you,me,us,them,those people,everybody)needs no wars.☮️🎶be safe

Note:PSpeak archival(last year) reading could be meaningful to some readers. Last February,and March Ukraine war was recent,Usao felt this meant to be fun blog was true to spirit by opposing needless war directly. Unified diverse ,democratic principles utilizes talent ,resources,and provides best.(get some media breaks in) Edandu,Litafmoli.Fadawllas🙃☮️

AQDACAD☮️🫶🏻🎶(a quick draw attitude causes accidental deaths)

Hey oh Usao,Pompicpoe ,Alitamtam.Usao prays for your safety. Usao(myself)needs to speak about firearms;our grief over small children gaining access to firearms stored for quick access. The very child you may think Usao is protecting ,harms themself;wow in big letters ,Usao. Firearms gone overly familiar is a dangerous ,saddening of our own collective hearts.. Ceasefire World.War “honors”,belated glory ,is sour grapes given to bereaved families of deceased soldiers. Municipal war,city wide gang wars are also military;a hedonistic lifestyle,also with bullying mentality thinking they needing their own firearms; so to rationalize/validate/show off their drug booty on screen. Our Children see guns,fantasy and real,everywhere ,then have no way to anticipate real explosive danger;poor dead babies.safe,Usao,systematic,alert,hopeful,protective , do meditation,seek less stress ;vicariously build expectations with inner focus to plans. Pray for peace and give love;stay vigilant with gun safety.

PSpeak☮️🥸:AQDACAD: ack’-dah’-kad🎶:grammatic 🎶used today is expressed with a hooting,sad tone,for last syllable,with an oohing essence(this term is Finding Gardopha material🥸for sure! Imagine Yadirf admonishing a young Humaii warrior)

Pompicpoe. ☮️

Hey oh Usao,Spolsoch(say peace out loud so others can hear),hope and pray for ceasefires and civility. We have means to achieve peace; be vigilant in unifying efforts,give loving kindness to answer questions and make decisions,(to make peace at home and within ourselves . Earth is a gift to peacemakers.Alitamtam.Be safe. Tanscarod ☮️ everyone is important,needed,loved.Biyabo,Edandu

Scioboss,take a deep breath;Idawa🤔☮️🎶

Hey oh Usao,love you everyone.everywhere. Alitamtam.Amucda. Perceive your best dream.then inhale and dream some more. Usao ,we can do this -PEACE- most of mankind’s horrific crimes disappear when war’s hateful dehumanizing acts disappear. No peasant will ever find their fortune going to war;their family will suffer,and aristocracy coiffures will ring-a-ding like never before. Listen to the mouths on the media;elect by voting with your hearts desire! Usao (us,you,we,them,everybody-but the billionaires)want peace to live in. Unified(without giant explosions)Humanity can conserve better;reduce rapid species extinctions,feed and even teach and love each other. Love you all ,Usao,be safe;check some archive readings;Peace Speak began Oct 2017,became a bit of a reclusive journal/diary. Usao(me) says love is where harmony exists;pursue love to fulfill our human life together ;,harmony is imminent when love is generated.

CEASEFIRES CAUSE PEACE.Theological,philosophical often reiterated,crap is not reason to exterminate people;. Stop shooting the messenger. Resist exploitation by being smart;vote,elect,believe—survive with loving unity. Stopping drugs,protecting our families,balancing food supplies, is the agenda of families. Democracy can prevail with transparency,equality,visionary leadership;why settle for a sordid dysfunctional planet? United Nations can stop bully wars quickly;divided nations only watch with horrified faces and unsoiled hands(maybe greased-palms). UKraine has been blown apart by a stinking mafia bully;complicit in murders.Putin cannot extend his miscalculation at the expense of Humanity;explosions and mass executions ,how has this cynical pathetic foray helped anyone?? Only Putin.

Survive the crisis and smooth sailing is coming. Love to everyone;so many good people;unify with the power in yourselves.🙏🏻☮️🎶

Photo:Watercolor of Mekong Delta area after a morning talk among citizens; note geese on the horizon,and buffalo placidly walking through the war zone.