
Hey oh Usao🎶Alitamtam,Litafmoli.unity is cooperating,is success;let’s pray for it in our hearts. Today Usao(myself) thinks about resources available if no one blows them up. Time to give Earths real leadership voices,to bring these petty psychopaths,hoarders of unfounded wealth answerable to Humanity.Every faction to bring ceasefires and peaceful resolutions is good;every faction that says kill and keep on killing is neuroticly bad. Old History tells us amazing accomplishments by Humanity;usually cut short by war. We are modernizing our checks and balances to stop gross thievery;I can feel the power of so many good people working together.Oh the new PSpeak word-“Olbafecfem: ol-ba’-fec’-fem🎵,Olbafecfem,”Our Luscious Beautiful And Fertile Earth Can Feed Every Mouth.

☮️🎶be safe Love to Usao everywhere.

Alitamtam,Kokopuff,Litafmoli,Amucda 🎵🇺🇦🌹

Hey oh Usao,Pompicpoe. Ceasefires cause peace;diplomatic dialogues find solutions for societal benefit. Let’s bring humanitarian leaders to the microphone;let’s put big United Nations headquarters in the center of every continent with a voice in every media asset. Trust is the key;integrity with equality for everyone;new age courtesy among educated people. These are loving kindness traits;educate against killer street drugs,protect each other from exploitation,share your love expansively. Leadership is local;by being our best we lead our children to strive for goodness. Tint-wupia,unified Usao(we)can do anything. Leadership is local,Usao says again;look for opportunity to create harmony.Love Everyone Everywhere 💥🫶🏻🙏Try☮️🎵

PSpeak title : life is precious,persistence pays,love answers work best,we can do anything together.☮️🙏be safe


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Kokopuff. Love is the greatest power;peace is coming with new global unity. The colonialism subjugated nations are becoming aware of Democracy,Freedoms for their people on a Humanitarian level. We need peace-ceasefire!⚡️Usao(us,we)earn our future with workable solutions done cooperatively(hmmm)unity and cooperation built with courtesy, cooperation with loving kindness. Love is stronger than hateful greed. 🙏🌈Today’s PSpeak term is resultant of self anger management lesson😳”anger is a robber of happiness:”🤓DITKOPIC-FASO☮️:”During Intense Times Keeping Our Poise Is Critical-For A Successful Outcome”,Ditkopic-faso:dit-kop’-ic-fa’-so🎶(🎶grammatical)effort to avert conflict is gracefully poised effort;loving kindness is the impetus.Tint-wupia,Netsabs,Edandu.☮️pSpeak music coming🎶👌🏽

Thanks for providing this amazing platform. With analytics,marketing-you have it all. TTYs

Spolsoch 🎶☮️ Pimo,Pompicpoe

Hey oh Usao,sending loving kindness to our community,peaceful cooperation here,and abroad;praying people everywhere are safe,in harmony with life here on Earth. Pompicpoe Alitamtam,Usao,exploiters of people are exploiting the planet also;mean,afraid hoarders of everything and their subjugated society of victims. Let’s give educated real time responses to international crises;stop ploys of war. Nowhere does war have meaning other than to supply an aristocracy with power?…”Democracy” is playing with words about “Freedom”;Humanity(Usao)needs diversity,openness, harmony. Sounds great to me. Unity is our method; love is the grease to wheels of prosperity for all. Pimo(peace is my objective)

Hello Earth! So Glad to Speak Again💕💕💕❤️

Hey oh Usao ,loving kindness everywhere.Alitamtam,Tint-wupia. Li-Ke,Li-Ke.☮️🙏Litafmoli; on family matters. International realm it is respect; maybe ,”Ritafmoli”,respect is the answer for most of life’s issues. Analysis of recent ethnography. Usao(us) has educated leaders everywhere,on all continents. Sick money/gold lovers have bought arms,but they have not intercepted the power of love in our Human passage.So many good people all over our planet;we can build educated societies.Alitamtam.Li-Ke,Love is King everywhere. Humanity is perceptively powerful; Usao(us) is unified invincibility against hedonistic Chinese and Russian gangsters;same product-different look. Eventually they hate each other’s guts.Love,harmony is so beautiful Usao(us) will find the diplomatic pulpit..Turn around hug the ones close;it is unity and loyalty that gives purpose to our lives. Wussumi,Pompicpoe. Alitamtam,Edandu,Woffing,RothfigharP 🎶

Photo:He dances to his young heart’s understanding of Life.Pompicpoe

IAGYAG TWAB,Tint-wupia,Wussumi,Amucda☮️

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,love to all. I pray safety,harmonies united with loving kindness. Amucda!☮️United we can do anything.☮️Tint-wupia(there is no them when universal peace is achieved)🫶🏻iagyag twab(I am good you are good together we are better)☮️Wussumi(when Usao(me)says something Usao (I) mean it.🎶🤓

RE:Finding Gardopha; the telepathic Humaii sing and cry only for emphasis,often soulful deep origins of inner emotions. Telepathic Humaii abilities are intriguing to ponder as a writer.Fun.Pompicpoe .👌🏽☮️

Sarabtoop ☮️🎶(language of the Humaii)

Hey oh Usao,sustenance and safety I pray. loving-kindness is our medium;our spiritual liaisons. If we act we impact;you are so important to ward Earthwide peace. Usao (me)loves Usao(everyone everywhere “so much. The spiritual connection of loving people,Nature,ancestors flows through loving today. Usao needs to give and reap;that is how love feels.Pray ceasefires, pray peace;come home to your family; pray for harmony and food,things like that. Pompicpoe 🤓☮️

PSpeak 🤓Today:Sarabtoop 🎶:sa-rab-toop🎶Sometimes Accidental Results Are Better Than Our Original Plan🎵,Sarabtoop🎶Soooo,Strive on with cheerful hope.Alitamtam;lead with grace,emphasize courtesy;learn listening,ready to speak with proper priorities. We do our best with efficient courtesy;listening to our own inner voice of love to decide and act. Today the term says get there and fate may reward you anyways.Hohoho.Sarabtoop🎶🙃 ☮️photo mullein start on McKenzie bank;can get 2 meters tall with songbird food and these yellow flowers;accidental flower here👌🏽be safe


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,Pompicpoe Kokopuff Biyabo,Amucda,Klucahta 🎶

Peace Speak reference 🤓First day initiative is telepathic language for SciFi story protagonist Humaii,indigenous Gardophans. Thinking telepathically,unified by thought-wow;changed which Peace Speak words are utilized. Fun. Today’s word is a song the Humaii of Gardopha chants:🎶Listen:👽,Kindness Love Unity Courtesy And Hope Together Always”Klucahta: klu’-jag-ta🎶☮️See Humaii scattered among the Second Canopy bows,together in sight,a privileged honor for Glider Warriors and families;singing soft,expressing love with every voice. Fun to write the stories and songs;we can have peace Brothers and Sisters,when love comes to the international microphone. Think unified by love;act unified by love;structure love how you wish;seek intelligent LOVE to protect our loved ones.☮️Klucahta 🎵Klucahta🎶Alitamtam,Edandu,Klucahta 🎶☮️Think unified,believe you can make a difference,Pompicpoe!


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam,WE pray for ceasefire,peaceful resolution of complex problems on Earth. ☮️

Atorvhaptpe:(Any Thing Of Real Value Has A Price To Pay Eventually),a’-torv-hapt-Pe🎶(grammatical 🎶)☮️-Our system can prevail beyond espionage by oligarch criminal powers;through media it’s difficult to differentiate the pirates,politicians,or priests.Our modern system knew that we needed mutual oversights;now we need the honesty, transparency, accountability to globally strive for peace;to make progress. Earth’s atmosphere is being destroyed by these same hedonistic villains;bombs,strategic travel fuel consumption fumes and fierce heat waves can end immediately-ceasefire. As the war money oligarchy mobs/clans turn against each other,their in-fighting gets panicked and ruthless for they know what they’re doing is a one way journey for them. Please,NATO,United Nations Security Council,international members,come to the diplomatic table ready to protect resources being stolen/extorted from Humanity..Usao let us focus our unity; dream empathy , compassion with loving kindness in our hearts everywhere,then we will do our best efforts toward keeping peace in community .Tyfykac(thank you for your kindness and courtesy)☮️Pompicpoe,Ceasefires Cause Peace,Honath☮️Photo is mixture of wildflowers along the Willamette River.Atorvhaptpe🇺🇦

Ehbiamol,Alitamtam ☮️

Hey oh Usao,litafmoli;Honath,Tint-wupia;ceasefires cause peace. Amucda.Clipote,RotfighartP;Jiapott,liphan,liphant🎶Sing Peace Out Loud So Others Can Hear:Spolsoch ☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️

“Doeak”,came up accidentally a few blogs ago,but Usao(me) loves it. Words that mean I will do it after I say it.☮️🫶🏻

TODAY PS☮️⚡️::Every Human(Humaii)Birth Is A Miracle Of Life..Ehbiamol🎶Unity powered by wise love;nurtured with loving kindness. Every sweet life is sacred;food,education,shelter,philosophical purpose will prevail. Look for leadership that seeks harmony,happiness,hopefulness,done with powerful compassion. Mankind is better than gluttonous oligarchy of thugs,utilizing century old formats. Each explosion,aerial,ground,or impact on apartments kills a bunch of living organisms. LIFE is what is sacred,not shrines,awards,statues later. Ceasefire would be best holiday of all.☮️


Hey oh Usao, Love to everyone,Alitamtam,Honath,Jiapott🙏Today’s term has sci-fi, Gardopha, relevance;possible every day usage among Humaii canopy gliding hunter-warriors. The relationship is Peace Doeak began to develop with a book in mind,then grew into a blog Usao(me)cares about. Sweet Ukraine democracy deserves to live and grow. 🇺🇦Let’s love each other.

Today’s term: ☮️Poafpoo: poe-af’-poo’,;Pain of a friend pains of ours


Hey oh Usao everywhere.Alitamtam,Fadawllas,Biyabo,Bapapadep,Amucda (repeat)Pompicpoe..

There Is No Them-When Universal Peace Is Achieved. Loving kindness is a spiritual process that teaches our heart to reach out for more. Alitamtam,say it again,Usao,Alitamtam;life is miraculous;love can heal Usao(us all),peace is happening by love,effort,education,teamwork. Hallelujah,play our drums united in love rhythm;be free by love. Peace Of Mind Peace In Community Peace On Earth,”Pompicpoe “(the first word in Oct 2017)🎵🫶🏻be safe

Photo:Smokey the Bear has returned to Oregon kid lore (Springfield Oregon children’s event by Willamalane )city wide to benefit conservation ☮️Love you Smokey

Peace Speak: Spolsoch ,say peace out loud so others can hear..

Thanks Russia and China PSpeak ☮️readers;love is king everywhere

Li-KE,Li-KE,Pimo 🎶

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam (repeat long as wished) Ceasefires save lives;we can do better than collateral hedonistic exploitation against worthy citizens. United Nations,everybody stand up for peace for mankind. Many are working together,unite to preserve and conserve. ☮️

Peace Speak🤓⚡️Li-KE,Li-KE:lee’-kay-lee-kay🎵🎵Love Is King Everywhere )Pimo(peace is my objective

Listening is a skill .

Cilishia,Love Inside Strengthens Our Hands-Every Possession Is A Gift Of Life So Share☮️

Hey oh Usao,everywhere Alitamtam Pray ceasefires;end the showboat slaughtering,endTVterrorizingpeople..end the money factors by calling for Ceasefire! Stop letting the greedy bastards(not a Peace Speak word🥸🙏)segment and run militarily rampant,extorting, destroying,mass killings. The Ukraine War is lucrative for the war lovers,well most wars are,but different this time because it is just diversion really to the conspired attacks on civilian populations in American cities;as both Russian, Chinese slavering to take America away from it’s currently world Democracies’ leadership efforts. Aren’t they just so sneaky,well Usao(I.me) caught them-ah ha!☮️Now is time for unified,clear headed people helping people.peace is best for Usao(everyone).Pimo,Tint-wupia

PSpeak terms:Cilishia (consistency in love is sweet harmony in action)

Love inside strengthens our hands:Lisah:Lee’-sa🎶(🎶is grammatical in this case.

Epiagolss:Every Possession Is A Gift Of Life So Share🎶:ep’-ee-ag’-laz🎶

❤️☮️be safe,be ready😎be cool


Hey oh.Usao,Alitamtam,Amucda,Pompicpoe. Ceasefire,Earth,or Mother Nature will shut down the economic societal world. Usao(us,we)United Nations modernized needs co-operation that will come about by respectfully participating in sorting out international bullying issues….☮️The first religious brochure I ever read,passed to me on the street,said”money is the root of all evil”;how correct . Once perceived the greedy algorithm that excludes ecological survival ,falling to the alluring geometric expansion of wealth.Earth’s needed oversight ,is United Nations modernized with new found optimism of purpose. We don’t need wars. Mankind can adjust without tacky wars of hedonistic origin;peace can lift us to new beautiful heights. Pimo

☮️Spolsoch.be a leader,encouraging others.Amucda(United we can do anything)ceasefires cause ☮️


Hey oh 🎶Usao,everywhere,loving kindness is an inner choice. Alitamtam,life is sacred by love;we are whole beings when we love.Woffing(with-out forgiveness family is not growing.) our most important connection is family,when blessed by ones who know the memories you know. Anyway,Usao loves everybody again 🫶🏻Oh,check this,a PSpeak out of the archives,”Stitfoasa”(safe tires is the foundation of a safe automobile)Written when grandson was working at a tire retailers.Vacation is driving be safe in preparation,”Bapapadep “ look ahead be ready.☮️🙏 Maybe the war will end;why not ,let humanity return to globalized society;not play the hedonistic oligarchy wasteful politics. Democracies are the future of united Earth politics;education essential to our survival. Loving kindness the path to harmony.

PSpeak ☮️Umesmics: ooh-mez-miks,(Usao must examine self motivation in complex situations)Umesmics ☮️Ropham:ro’-fam🎵;remembering our priorities helps avoid mistakes)Ropham

Pimo,Pompicpoe ☮️🎶IagYag-Twab

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam! Love to you all. Loving kindness will smooth our journey on Earth;unity for the sake goodness and humanity;believe and work together. Reach for peace,attain less wars,then calm the situation further with humanitarian aid;building trust through education,modernity,communication with responsible world governments. Gaining peace at home benefits achieving peace in community,which has positive impacts for peace on Earth. Pompicpoe,stop militarizing the situation;bring peace back to the negotiating tables;terrorism by nations upon their own people;scare the citizens. We need United Nations functions to influence the world;Earth has a political system that can work done together. Here we are back to what causes togetherness,loving-kindness,respect, compassion,efforts within our hearts to participate,make things better. Leaders that emphasize humanitarian needs know harmony comes from sharing and caring. Pray for peace.☮️🎶

iagyag-twab: I am goodYou are good-together we are better. Be safe,love.