Hey oh Usao,so happy to speak out to everyone today. Peace is a wonderful goal,but it will take integrity,building trust and loyalty;it depends on everyone together;we can do this with confidence. Do what we do do,in our realm with loving purpose;good outcomes are multifaceted interactions. Today’s term ,”Wussumi “, is a vow,I spoken altruistic,philosophical maybe;it means,💥”When Usao Says Something Usao Means It”(loyal oath-never a threat.This is after all Peace Speak/no cuss words,smile before speaking etc👍☮️

Note check ☮️Speak archives for terms of calendars, dates;most are safety and love:the idea is playful conversation that is kind. Everyone everywhere be safe.Love is the Answer To Most of Life’s Issues☮️Litafmoli,

Abradioc❤️Bapapadep ☮️

Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam Litafmoli. Love,safety,hopes for everyone everywhere.☮️Speak term”Abradioc”,ah-brah’-de-ok,Abradioc Love powers are massive ,flowing spiritual rivers,that shape and nurture the terrain. The loving kindness geometric expansion of face to face interaction is our Human salvation;98% Earthly people want peace;Usao(us,everybody)outnumber selfish oligarchy-their enemies are each other now. The river of love is broad,it’s course is decided by unified loving,caring beautiful people like you ,united with faith ,in our evolving societies. Tint-wupia,Pompicpoe ☮️Wasantka


Hey oh Usao,love to everyone;Alitamtam,your safety is my prayer. Amucda,Pompicpoe.☮️

☮️Speak term: Wasantka:,”We Are Sustaining A Need To Know Agenda”:wah-sant’-ka’. Usao(me)reversed a secrecy policy: people everywhere need to know loving kindness is at work. Unity is the path to happiness;wars are the path to subjugation,and misery for our children. People need to realize how important each person is;Usao( everyone)is cogs in gears of progress. We need each other;we need to sustain education processes all over the Earth. Building peace requires networking;tell our peaceful,vision to everyone,everywhere. To know about others with loving-kindnesses agendas encourages us;we need to know;to communicate with others. ☮️Wasantka Ceasefires cause peace.


Hey oh Usao,Alitamtam☮️Love to everyone;be safe. Pompicpoe.

☮️Speak word: akigsocc-ata:As Knowledge Is Gained Some Opinions Could Change-Always Think Again: ah-kig’-sok’—ah-ta’,akigsocc-ata,or akigsoccata, if Usao)you) prefers🎵Fadawllas,Edandu Amucda ☮️*Yadirf lectures to Humaii plebes;because of their mental telepathy group awareness,to rethink is to communicate again. Sweet.Pompicpoe

Photo:bike path Springfield Oregon ;restored to Nature,growing beautiful:well done.

Love A True Hard Love As Long You Can ,All You Can Do☮️

Hey oh,Usao,love to everyone everywhere ⚡️🎶Alitamtam,all life is beautiful and precious. A one time long ago meeting ,a vicarious reminiscence ended with the most beautiful innocent,happy smile;that kept in your mind’s heart for fifty years;still makes you smile.Wonderful memories built upon,retaining what is sustaining optimism that life is precious. 🫶🏻☮️when Usao(me)goes silent missing blog,I love to talk)I am troubling my attitude to be consistently positive. Earth has issues and Usao(us all)needs mature,educated Loving leadership;speaking the wisdoms peacefully ceasefires,defuse tensions,stop killing.take deep breaths. Ceasefires cause peace. Voters are voices valued in democratic institutions;so said,problems get resolved at home base;by community involvement. Do what we can where we are—give loving kindness,respectfully,smile first so conversation begins. Usao(me)I gotta shut up🙃☮️the word today needed another vowel I couldn’t come up with so maybe later👍Pompicpoe,Honath,Biyabo,Tint-wupia

Note:thanks for your efforts,Usao,everywhere ☮️


Hey oh Usao,love to everyone,Alitamtam,Bapapadep,Llowdagoofu,Honath ☮️

PSpeak🥸,Drivipaep:dre-vi’-pa-ep.”Democratic Respect Instills Voter Initiative Participation And Encourages Productivity🎵)The incentives of democracy are both societal,collective,plus inclusive. 🤪Usao(me)is no fan of hot-shot wasteful oligarchy-or the spiritless delusionary scum that inhabit the drug/oil/pessimists’ environments;these people have no idea what love, loyalty,respect can do. Utopia,peaceful Earth ,is beautiful,amazing potential to be all ever needed. Ceasefires can start peace-let’s do it loving kindness,NATO,China,Russia,African Nations,United NationsWOW-that sounds good-together;we better be fair and nice to each other,Usao(everybody.Pompicpoe,Tint-wupia☮️

Photo:wind blown fun bubbles at skate park;,dazzling in real. Be safe Usao everywhere🙏


Hey oh,Usao, love everyone everywhere,all the time;Alitamtam,Tint-wupia,Slipoul.Tiwinfy☮️ Every minute is precious,Usao(me),senses loving-kindness as our civic spirit is how Usao(all of us)build together. War is dysfunction in the modern world;war is oligarchy tantrums;war fought by peons is global subjugation. Every Earth Nation has educated politicians/leaders;Earth is a combative “no man’s land”,because rich Earthling’s want it that way. Sadly,ethics is rarely mentioned discussing economic profits,system’s pragmatic approaches; Ceasefires cause peace,which causes economic Society productivity,done with loving-kindness to flourish,united. ✌🏾Okay,Peace Speak speakers: ☮️Llowdagoofu:yo’-dag’-gu-foo🎵(double LLs are “y” sound) Pompicpoe Biyabo


Hey oh,Usao,Alitamtam Usao prays for peace,Pimo☮️ Everyone of you,Usao(me)sends loving kindness;you ALLare beautiful,let’s unite,find peace;learn from each other. Okay the word game-😄

I am good-You are good-United we are better:spoken :ee-ag’-yag’-ooh🎶-wab’: try it,”iagyaguwab”(smile)☮️

Apewbeap 🥸☮️:”a perfect Earth would be Earth at peace”:ah-pew🎶bee-ap’.

☮️💕lead with smiling brave hopeful decisions;open minds,hearts using love to organize the world database. Pompicpoe,Litafmoli,Edandu. Tatsafeo;look for peaceful solutions Ceasefires cause peace.Be safe Love

Agfa-lfao☮️⚡️(after getting first answer look for alternative options)

Hey oh Usao,love to everyone.Alitamtam to Usao(Amber), your dog walk greetings are the brightest and sweetest. ☮️Pimo(peace is my objective). United Nations,say it again and again;let’s believe it.Litafmoli;using love making decisions makes unity unilaterally possible. Having equality means everything towards self dignity;for democracy to succeed equal purposes and good effort are needed. Ceasefires are best;building trustworthy relationships with others has a forum-United Nations-Earth United-ooh. ⚡️Money is necessary for certain people to make billions and billions of dollars;there are not enough mercantile products to pay off everything,so we have monetary fantasy figures floating around,as thugs and “business “ people party together.Ceasefires will eventually cause peace in our neighborhoods;new futuristic optimism will emerge,when loving unity gets its proper voice.We can do it,Earth,humanity,scholars together. Bapapadep(be as prepared as possible and don’t ever panic),Tint-wupia. Honest🥸 appraisal of why all these wars are “necessary”,to crooked regimes.?War about poppy plantation stuff;stuff that kills our young adults,as does war. Democracy is a privileged society Earth wide; to preserve freedom we need to repel semi-organized,greedy maniacs ,with their hired crazy thugs;quite the challenge.☮️For Usao to give respect to alternate ways ,still being example of dignified respect for human rights. Ceasefires cause peace. Pimo,Honath. Listen ,diffuse,negotiate,be patient;loving kindness is a powerful force. Pompicpoe ☮️🎶

Note👌🏽: Agfa-lfao:,⚡️Badim(before a decision is made)

Alitamtam,Anfiava,Amucda.Pompicpoe ☮️❤️🎶

Hey oh Usao.Edandu,Tint-wupia.Love,safety,warmth,happiness,harmony,hopes we can build upon.Ceasefires will quiet the air again;builders will create soundscapes of unity.Usao ,we can do this together;never before” is happening frequently these days. So many good loving people everywhere;lend ears to wise people who know how loving-kindness motivates;works become honors when given with loving kindness. Peace is Usao’s best choice;peace is my goal;needless war is how billionaires “play”wasting lives,livestock,homes, our blessed children;;educated self/centered billionaires blow up cities,then hire mercenaries to kill more. Greedy(not leaders)(megalomaniac)billionaires want power , are mentally sick,depressed-lonely I know.☮️We need the United Nations to grow quickly,speak louder now;stop the avaricious political killings. Bring voice to the peacemakers. A Ceasefire NATO if you can;bring enlightened peace as normal modern global situation. Earthlings,Usao,needs peace for best results;economic development can be achieved peacefully. Think global,we can do,“Never done before”,our challenge.Usao, peace in our minds,peace in our cities,peace on Earth.Scioboss(surviving crisis is often beginning of smooth sailing)☮️🙏be safe.

Photo: maroon osier dogwood amongst alder grove;nesting ducks soon💕

Sigfosa 🎤☮️

Hey oh Usao,love to everyone.Alitamtam:save our children.Usao uses music to heal,singing we hopefully help everyone to be happy,to unify with voices bold with loving-kindness.☮️

PSPEAK:Sigfosa “singing is good for our spiritual attitude.Honath

CEASEFIRE❤️Sing peace out loud so others can hear=Spolsoch ☮️🎶be safe.Pompicpoe,Tint-wupia Bapapadep,Biyabo LOVE

Clawag,Chusy,Protect Our Future and Theirs❤️

Hey oh,Usao,prayers for love and safety to everyone everywhere. “clawag-children laughing always warms a gathering “,”Chusy-children help Usao stay young”.Usao(me)sheds tears for families in Nashville,Tennessee after mass shooting in elementary school. Automatic weapons used to create hateful chaos again;demography of shooters is alarmingly broad;people choosing violence to express their own vulnerability and hateful dispare. Two things are evident America has mental hygiene crisis,caused in part by subversive political pressures,plus needless available weapons to attackers,then deadly illicit drugs in the hands/bodies of same disheartened younger ones.Freedom of speech,our democracy,is being systematically attacked; our unity,diligence,and intelligent integrity are imperative. Reactive planning needs Usao(us all)to face societal problems together;building trust with actions. Real heroes are saving people’s lives;be all you can be in the neighborhood. Kind actions will avoid some violent behaviors;do what you can without hesitation. These streets,schools,churches,markets are home,let’s fill them up with loving defensive preparation,in the face of distructive international,political attacks. United Nations leads world ethical reforms that will affect the safety of streets everywhere. Mass media performance ethics can bring us together,or polarize the mentally sick individuals-even entire mercenary armies can be recruited on line.Leadership in media is needed.Positive trickle down affects by robust unifying world leadership would be magnificent;let’s get our leadership re-focused on peaceful solutions. Ceasefires cause peace;our futures needs peace. Pompicpoe ☮️Be community leaders.Biyabo,Spolsoch(say peace out loud so others can hear)☮️🫶🏻

☮️give loving-kindness; receive healing inner peace.


Hey oh,love you,Usao,(everyone,everywhere,simultaneously),Usao(me)understands war in the fighting,explosives context;I killed a water buffalo in combat,poignant,sad moment. Wars do end. All wars can stop when our radios,satellites.cell phones and minds say so;Vladimir knows Science,History and has power to be History’s peacemaker. Tint-wupia.☮️United Nations on big screen;come on Let’s Get Serious;CEASEFIRES END yucky wars. Usao(us),NEED LOVE TO BE HAPPY. Personally,Usao(me)feels power when sending loving strong happy thoughts. These silly loving telepathic messages Usao(me)sends to Vladimir Putin,mitigating circumstances put you here now,okay,but what is truly Righteous is peace.;leadship builds self-esteem, love will solve everything.,ceasefire in your heart Russia;Earth has potential to be a great planet to share.Ceasefires cause peace.Pompicpoe Bapapadep Biyabo.”Woffing”:without forgiveness friendship is not growing” .Netsabs-“not every thought should actually be spoken “(used to quiet myself often). Peace on Earth,love can make it happen,love and loyalty causes cooperation.Pompicpoe

Nature,Needs Help Healing Now ;Unified Mankind Can Help ☮️

Hey oh,Usao love to everyone everywhere.Alitamtam Edandu,Pompicpoe,Alitamtam ☮️ Usao prays for Global,ceasefire.Earthquakes and storms of War machines should quiet themselves;listen for signs of cognitive agreement,as crucial international diplomats .(get media covering peace discussions live)🎶

We(Usao)everybody knows birds,animals,OURprecious trees respond negatively to bombs,rockets and missles;WE (people)gain nothing by killing other people;merchantile oil,economic armaments,power are aristocratic commodities . Your life is important Usao,our loving kindness can slow and stop this war soon;loving kindness transcends all obstacles. Humanity is amazing,diversity beautiful,intelligent ;with cooperative loving spirits we can do anything.Reality doesn’t need be perfect;optimism guides good decisions if happiness is our goal;everyone matters,be strong do your best,be safe.(local people are the most affected by your presence and compassion,do kindness if you can)Pompicpoe,ceasefires cause peace;economic/marketing structures can change the rates of global consumption.Usao’s planet needs peace,science, culture of educated modernity. United Nations needs more literal,synchronized voice globally;that is why we structured The United Nations,peaceful progress;keep learning and improving Usao(all of us)Happiness is achieved by doing your part in your realm,to your best abilities.Be glad to be alive;so many philosophies,religions,ways to organize our spiritual selves. Usao often uses different ways,found traveling abroad,to communicate to myself spiritually;they all work together. Loving kindness,builds relationships,cooperation;hard-working honesty sustains our part of life . Biyabo,Biyabo,Alitamtam ☮️🙏🎶wars should be ancient historical almost-humorous reflections of Modern Humanity;we are smarter and better than war.Biyabo

Photo:Backyard,rose-eating,beautiful ,infringed upon deer;lovely and dangerous-don’t get kicked if they seem tame-no kids wanting to hug Bambi ,kicked by approach.👌🏽☮️

Peace Usao,Blessed Peace;Together We Can Make It Happen☮️🙏

Hey oh Usao,love to everyone,everywhere,all the time. My prayers are for food,safety,and hope. Tint-wupia. Focus Usao,peace is generated by love that transcends greed; everyone everywhere matters to proceed with modernity. Love is thankfulness for living,sending each other love and respect to our short lives together on Earth(nice place). Ceasefires cause Less Death Right Away..☮️🎶Mr Putin,from me(Oregon) to you,”If you have valid reasons,humanists objectives—be a real leader globally.Vladimir come to the spotlight,center stage and SPEAK .Utilize United Nations major assembly. If you are truly brave and strong then stand up to end killing;combined prayers find strength,relief. Peaceful ,productive,nonviolent jobs(as a rule)happens when ceasefires cause peace! NATO,United Nations,USA,Russia-akaVladimir Putin 🎶Ceasefire,call it,now!Put down the concept and philosophy of “long term war” Earth wide leadership,love based is comforting vision .Finding our active forum and sustainable solutions;Pompicpoe; United We Can Do Better;Peace say peace,work for it-ceasefire. 🎶


Hey oh Usao,Pompicpoe,Alitamtam. Love to everyone,everywhere Edandu;peace is my objective. 🙏Helping Ukraine defend it’s sovereignty is our honorable privilege and responsibility ,if protecting equality,freedom,happiness,personal dignity,family values,integrity as integral human rights is our priority. Peace is Usao’s priority because it is best for families. Earth has United Nations accountability,but the world crime/economic leadership is “bickering”(hiring killing)-not each other,just their“political collateral assets”. People need people;society thrives on good humor,education,collaborative science;all of religions together equals the almighty loving spirit. Diversity brings alternatives of thought and wisdom;together with love in our hearts we can create peace globally;so many smart good hard working people. Usao loves you all,prays for warmth,safety, peace ✌🏾 Biyabo☮️believe in yourself,hope and optimism is love based.

NOTE: PUTIN should be required to address the world,United Nations assembly immediately. China,India,Brazil,South Africa,Korea,Japan.France,Germany,all NATO constituencies:to SPEAK WITH HIS MOUTH and MIND to us Earthlings. Vladimir likes chairs made of gold? Ceasefires cause peace;peace puts mercenary killers out of work. Usao figures farmers, ranchers,carpenters,peace keepers,teachers are happier people than hired killers in a war zone. Policy makers end wars too;diplomacy ends wars,we can end wars with overwhelming unity and loving kindness. Freedom is why we defend;to feel free to choose what we believe is best. Be safe Tint-wipiltos🙏

Loving Kindness,Amcucda,Tint-wupia☮️🙏

Hey oh,Usao,love you everyone,everywhere,all the time.Alitamtam,keep safe as you can;remember to drink plenty water when you can. Ceasefires are honorable;Humanity will get it right. Putin has accumulated so much wealth,gold chairs ,etc.,what is his rational for that “impressive “wealth? Willing to kill and destroy cunningly to become rich;sounds historically villainous. Peace is earned by hardworking loyalty,trustworthy belief in goodness in modern configuration for people,everyone everywhere,all of the time. Ceasefire ,ceasefire,people,civilians in the line of fire!! Diplomatic efforts are cost efficient ☮️👌🏽

PSpeak Amucda:”all mankind united can do anything “,(Usao believes that)

Tint-wupia🙏”there is no them -when universal peace is achieved “

😎🎶😎🎶we do what we do best help is a big word☮️Pompicpoe Edandu

Peace Helps Innocents Look For Answers That Help Everyone 🙏☮️

Hey oh Usao,love to everyone everywhere,Tint-wupia.

Okay here we go,new word-maybe-PHILFATHE! Hmmmm,🥸Ceasefire speaks of sanity, proper assessment of human subjugations all over the recent imperial extortion of third-world PEOPLE. Education promotes progress,unity builds peace

☮️ 😎🎶:”Philfathe”; fil-fah-thay🎶Peace Helps Innocents Look For Answers That Helps Everyone